ZHR, a heavy-duty manual chain hoist, is the latest addition to the Verlinde range. ZHR is especially suitable for applications requiring frequent lifting of loads between 500 and 5000kg, such as in construction, assembly and maintenance.

ZHR comes in a choice of seven different models, according to desired lifting capacity and revving system.

Standard features include a four-bearing lifting mechanism and a load limiter for greater safety. The load wheel and reduction gears are machined to operate optimally and smoothly for longer life under heavy use.

The hand chain is electrogalvanized and the lifting chain is high-resistance galvanized with an EN 818 finish.

Verlinde is a French manufacturer and exporter of lifting and handling equipment and operates in more than 80 countries.

ZHR also features ISO hooks with safety latches, offshore high-resistance powder coating, and Weston-type load brakes.

The ZHR hoist can be used with Verlinde travelling trolleys as well as with the HPR short-headroom travelling trolley that provides maximum lifting height.
