Danieli’s MI.DA micromill technology has been chosen by America’s biggest steelmaker, Nucor Corporation. The US steelmaker, claims Danieli, is building a new operation at Sedalia, Missouri designed to produce over 350kt (short tons) of rebar.
The design of the mill will allow for the future installation of a spooling line for the production of twist-free, easy-to-store and transport of compact heavy coils weighing up to 11,000lbs.
By Q3 2019 the new mill should be operational. It will be the third MI.DA mill in the USA and will join eight others dotted around the world.
According to Danieli, endless casting rolling technology ‘ensures the best CapEx and OpEx for mill operators thanks to the process itself plus the high yield capabilities it offers. The company believes that micromills with capacities ranging from 300kt/yr to 800kt/year will become more common.