Russian steelmaker Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) reports crude steel output up 6.9% in 2012 and even higher increases for High – value –added steels which showed a 20% increase.
• MMK Group crude steel output in 2012 was 13.037Mt (6.9% higher y-o-y);
• MMK Group finished steel products ; in 2012 ; was 11.936Mt (7% higher y-o-y);
Within the group divisions finished steel output was 11.029Mt (up 3.6% y-o-y) at MMK steel, 0.493Mt at MMK-Metiz and ).9Mt at MMK-Metalurji, a 180% rise on 2011.
High value added (HVA) steels in the MMK Group High-Value. (HVA) steel products in 2012 increased 20% y-o-y to 0.488Mt. The share of HVA production in total output for 2012 grew to 41%.
Output of coking coal concentrate output in 2012 amounted to 3.325 Mt (3.4% higher y-o-y).
In-house consumption of iron ore in 2012 amounted to 4.114Mt (down -14.7% y-o-y).