Huaigang Special Steel Co (HSS), a company of the Chinese Jiangsu Shagang Group, placed an order with the German company Friedrich Kocks in Hilden to upgrade its rod and bar mill.

HSS has 6000 employees and with a steel production of 2.8Mt/y it ranks among the top 50 Chinese metallurgical companies. HSS is one of the major suppliers of spring steel for the automotive industry and high-speed trains.

The new Kocks-3 Reducing & Sizing Block is dimensioned to operate with four 3-roll stands and a nominal roll diameter of 215mm.

It will be implemented as finishing block in the 600kt/y rolling mill behind an existing 10-year-old Danieli Morgårdshammar roughing and intermediate mill consisting of 18 2-high HV stands.

The 3-roll block will roll straight bars from 13.0mm to 22.0mm onto the cooling bed. Commissioning of the new 3-roll Reducing & Sizing Block is scheduled for the first half of 2012.