Republic Steel, a leading North American supplier of special bar quality (SBQ) steel bars, which is used in the production of axles, drive shafts and suspension rods, is ‘positioned to restart’ it’s Lorain facility, including its idled electric arc furnace, casters and rolling mill.

The decision to restart the plant was based solely on the announcement by President Donald Trump to introduce tariffs of 25% on steel imports.

According to the company, ‘Republic is prepared to respond quickly to an anticipated uptick in demand across the nation.’

The company has open capacity at its Canton melt shop and ‘would restart Lorain, which would provide more than a million tons of new production capacity to support the SBQ bar and coil and seamless tube round markets’.

If the re-opening of Lorain goes ahead it could restore 1,000 plus jobs. The company claims it would take a few months to hire and train employees and restart idled equipment.

Jaime Vigil, president and CEO of Republic Steel, said the company is more than prepared to support material demand that has been previously supplied by imports. “We maintained our Lorain facility while it’s been idled waiting for the opportunity to restart and it appears that time is finally here,” he said.

Republic Steel is headquartered in Canton, Ohio, and has steelmaking capabilities in Canton and Lorain, Ohio.